Words of advice for my hurting friends

by Josie   Apr 18, 2005

When u lose someone u love it is so hard(u think)
I know this pain I have been down this rocky road
it feels like your whole world has been torn apart and there is nothing you think you can do about it.........
...but wait there is hope out there
sure it feels like the person that dumped you has grabbed your heart and ripped it right out of your chest, and fed it to the hungry angry pitbulls of hell
you think all is lost without him or her
that everything around you does not matter
your life does not matter
your insides are burning with unforgotten pain of misery and sadness
that drowns you in a cloud of rain that makes your soul breathe(cry) endlessly for his or her return
when all people around you tell you not to go back with this person
but you will not listen to them at all
they think they know the pain but they do not: for you yourself only know it
so whenever you think you lost it all
and your whole universe has fallen apart
look up in the sky and remember there is a god
he will set you free from this pain
maybe not today or tomorrow
but sooner or later it will be gone or lost
and you will move on towards a better life you thought never existed
and that my friends is your life
cause you are unique and special
and nobody in this whole damn world can take that away from you

this is my words of advice to you all who think you need someone to live breathe and survive
when all you need is yourself for nobody completes you
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