Were you a true friend?

by nika   Sep 4, 2003

About 2 years ago
i thought our friendship
would last by now
bestfriend was also
your's back then
we were all known as
the four musketers
you always kept secrets
hidden from me,melli*,
and jane* you had
a tuff outside but
deep down inside you
were up against
your own worst enemy
yourself i knew you didn't
like the person who you were
on the outside you always
pushed people away and
now you wonder why you
don't have real friends
to rely on i could've
been one of them
but instead you were
as stubborn as a motherf**ker
you made me choose between you
and my bestfriend the one
i could run too if i needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen never once did you really
care you set me and the midget
up but i knew deep inside you
wanted him for yourself now
your heart has grown cold
and you just sit up in your
room writing sh*tty suicide poems
i don't second think about what if i chose you over kelli if i did don't you think i'd be on my f*cken knees begging for your fat a** to
be my friend again i don't think so
everyone has turned against you
so when your sad and need someone to run just know that the only real friend you had you pushed away.

this poem is dedicated to Ashley Antorne* you lost the only real friend you had and now you only run to your razor to slit your wrists i don't wish you anything but to get help.

* Changed her name for certain matters.


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  • 13 years ago

    by acquisto alicia

    I want to know why friends treat each other like this. its mean and you guys dont deserve it. i hope you feel better. your poem was very well-written and emotional for me.