Media Beauty

by Jacklyn   Apr 19, 2005

A mask of lies,
Tattoos to hide,
Drugs to trick,
And fashion to fit it,

A young girl of 18,
Reading magazines,
Juicy ass and skinny waist,
Big boobs and flat belly,
To get the body of a celebrity,
To get the makeup and the hair,
To get the nails and their shoes,
To get the boyfriends and beauty,

She will skip just one more meal to meet the weight,
She will eat less and less to get this way,
To meet the view of media beauty,
But soon turns into another emergency,
Soon force-fed through a tube, again,
A sack of living bones, a life fallen through,
Is this the media beauty,
The magazines shown to you?

Travel down the road,
Take a left at the corner,
Park three shores down,
Right in front of “Body of Art”

See a man of 25 years old,
Getting yet another stab of ink in his arm,
The logo of his favorite band,
Only true fans wear it on their skin,
A true rocker on his arm,
This to show were he belongs,
With no tattoo he’s alone,
No one will know where he belongs.

Ink covers his chest, legs and arms,
Hiding his insecurity of his heart,
Tattoos to hide himself,
But what happens when the band dies down?
When they disappear in rock and roll?
What happens when his mask gets old?
Is this the media beauty,
Written in his lonely soul?

A row in the boat,
Down the waterfall,
Through the jungle,
To a running high school,

A freshman of the building,
Class of 2008,
Wearing clothes that’s hip and hop,
Wearing shorts that sag way down,
Wearing name brand shirts, shoes, pants and socks,
Wearing what celebrities call “Hot”
A teenage boy trying to fit in,
Becoming another bot within,

Doing what everyone else does,
Showing the Nike, and South Pole again,
A walking billboard,
A walking advertisement,
Controlled by names and billboards,
One thing that there is never just one,
He will be lonely, but never walk alone,
This media beauty is trying too hard.

Travel a plane,
To Hollywood California,
Read all the signs,
Let them feed your mind.

Billboards, TV, movies and celebrities,
Drinking, drugs, sex and love,
Filling the minds of young teens at heart,
Growing minds learning about love,
Idolizing stars and their houses and cars,
A teenage girl 17 years old,
Brad Pitt covers her bedroom walls,
Wanting to know more,

But he smokes does it make a difference?
Smoking is bad is all health ever shows,
He is a hottie with a body,
He is 40 some and still breathing,
So she sneaks a smoke just like him,
And lights one that turns to addiction,
Lung cancer at only 23,
In fact this media beauty died last week.

Media beauties surrounding this place,
Affecting every human being,
But is it worth the life you live today,
Is it worth to become a copy and a fake?

~also writen for my english class about the question "How does the media affect people?"


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Ali

    Wow i really like this poem... its reality... and is very well written!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    To kelly up there!!!!
    about the tatoos in the poem it sounds like the guy is getting a totoo to be cool if you get a totoo it should mean something not just to follow the crowd ...
    Yet an amazing poem jacklyn!!!!!
    Im adding you to my favorites yay!!!
    (We should stop by sears later and pick up a washing machine i hear their on sale) HaHa

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    I don't agree with everything said, but I liked how you recognise the influence of media in society and portray it accruately. Nice job.

  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Wow, a lot to read in one poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    I like it. The tattoo bit was a little shaky for me, because I understand the point of view that, to be a stereotype of 'rocker', it's cool to have tattoos, yet tattoos are often a cry or attack against what is 'cool' and 'mediatised'.
    But on another level, this poem spoke to me. Especially the first stanza, because to me, it's so relivent. Those are the things I must fight against feeling.
    You drew emotion in a political way. Nice, nice showing us how STUPID media beauty is!