Because of you

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Apr 20, 2005

I feel empty
Like there’s a huge hole in my heart
The hole you left…

I sit there for a moment
Listening to the soft music
Tears escape my eyes
The tears you made fall

I take some scissors
I brake them in half
I’m not scared anymore
You made me do this

I run it across my thigh
Where no one will see
It hurts
But at the same time I don’t feel it
You’ve made me numb

I watch the blood
It runs red down my leg
as if it's take the pain with it

I’m shaking now
Looking at what I’ve done
I feel dizzy
Why are you doing this to me?

Why did you always hurt me
Why do I do this because of you
You hurt me

I sit there, staring, crying
I look down
I stare at the marks
I cut myself
Because of you


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Kristi lee

    WOW! This is really good hun! I can definalty relate

  • 19 years ago

    by R F

    Ohhh,you know what?? don't cut
    or hurt yourself coz of anybody !
    no one ever ever deserve that hurt
    and sorrow u put your self through !

    OK? : ) so back to your poem,i lke
    this free simple style you write with!
    thats really nice.

    five/five ; )

    Rua Francis.

  • 19 years ago

    by Michael Mantione

    i cant relate because am a guy
    but this poem is truly deep
    you are a great poet you
    you use your feeling in
    such a wounderus way
    well anyway this is a great poem
    keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by themeuneverseen

    WOW! This is really good hun! I can definalty relate! I promised my boyfriend i wouldnt cut anymore though so im tryin not to but its hard! If u ever wanna talk my msn is and yahoo is
    Love alwayz.....

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