Comments : Seven Days And Seven Years

  • OMG!!!!! NO!!!!! Zac, you cant! I won't let you! Things will be ok. You have to realize that!

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I really... really hope this isn't true. You can't leave, you know that, right? This world is cold... but you don't, you don't have to go. Hold on if you feel like letting go... hold on... it gets BETTER THAN YOU KNOW.
    Words of wisdom, honey. Please don't go. If you were gone... my life would be pointless. I'm sorry, for all that has happened to you. PLEASE call me when you read this... i have a time limit, now. Let me know you are ok, ok? If you don't want me to answer my phone, I won't. leave a message, or something, letting me know if you want to talk. I've been through your situation and a little more, and babe, we can get through. I promise. Please be ok... please. i love you.
    Hold on...

  • 19 years ago

    by none

    ZAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its gonna be ok....Zac please tell me your ok. We all really REALLY care about you.........pleez zac we love you you can't go!!!!!!!!!!!!!You we're always here for me...I'm here for you too! Don't leave jus..........don't leave carlee, or katie, or jaime, or cort........aww zac i could go on for hours just please hold on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by troubled

    aww zac! u cant leave...i kno everyone has already said this but i am 2!! so many ppl would miss you! including me! plz zac...dont keep saying this! i kno u may not mean it b/c thats how we get our anger out...but still...its really upsetting...
    love you bunches!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    No. You're WRONG. Nothing would be better if you left. NOTHING. No one would be the same, not a single person.

    But Cheers to another sad poem that serves as a constant reminder to me that I should appreciate you before you're gone.