For everyone with a broken heart

by Sarah   Apr 22, 2005

This is for anyone with a broken heart

This pain hurts i know I've been there too
But we're not the sad ones me and you
It's the people that got rid of someone good
They're the ones that are misunderstood
I know right now it feels like the end
because you've lost a love and gained a "friend"
but all is not lost just wait and see
you'll find out just like me
if you want to its OK to cry
but get up and move on you have to try!
You may have been in love but what can you do
they're not worth it if they don't love you to
So be brave and smile
realise that life is still worth while


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  • 19 years ago

    by -] Nobody [-

    Quite inspirational, I liked it.

  • 19 years ago

    by kendra