My Dad and Me

by Tierra   Apr 22, 2005

Have you ever wanted to go back in time and change something?
I know I have the day my dad died
He may not have been the best father in the world
But he was my dad and I loved him
He watched me go from boys had cooties to Wow look at him~
Then one day that changed forever!
We would go 4 wheeler riding, horse riding I was a daddy\'s girl!!
He would whistle at me when I came out in my dress!
As I got older he would tease me and ask what happened to the cute little girl
I would laugh and say I don’t know
As I got older he started moving away from me
He didnt care as much bout my life and me
We moved to Rigby he opened up
Would ask me how my days were and even ask bout my Boyfriends
I started talking to him more and felt like he loved me
Just as we were getting close he left me forever
May 9 2004 is a day I will never forget
Coming home with my mom and seeing dad lying there dead
Nothing we could do would bring him back it was too late
Now it has almost been a year later and my mom is dating
I have a different boyfriend and I often wonder what he thinks of him
Me and my mom arent as close she is always with her boyfriends
People look at me and think I am ok and I have moved on
But I never will I loved my dad even though I may not have shown it I did
I lay away wondering what he thinks of me
I have made many bad decisions since he died and I wonder if he is mad at me
I have so many questions but I know one day I will get them answered!!
So if you ever think that nothing could go wrong
Well one day your life just mite change forever!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bitten by frost

    Nothing says it better, u put a lot into that poem and it certainly gets to the reader. keep writting

  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    I think this poem lacked form to be honest with you...but what it was missing in definately made up for it in heart. You put all you had into this poem and I can see it in your poem.

    I thought it was a very good poem and I think my quote that I made up applies to this "i never made anything new - all i did was put a pen into the human heart"

    Very good.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jessie

    This is good! Im truly so sorry about your dad. I don't know what i would do with out my dad. Me and my dad went threw the same thing but something happened REALLY bad and i couldn't see him for 2 years. But now i do. I don't know wat your going threw but im so sorry! HANG IN THERE!