Feeling Again

by Emma Carnage   Apr 22, 2005

I think to myself late at night
That I shouldn't have dropped you
It is no longer a might
My feelings for you never were through

I know it's too late though
Now you're with her
Every time you see her your eyes glow
And when I see you more feelings stir

Just a simple mistake
That's all it was
Now there's too much at stake
To tell you of this buzz

Maybe I'm just grasping
For anything I start to feel
Now I'm gasping
At these feelings so surreal

I guess I lost my chance
When I told you good-bye
There's no more romance
But I understand why

It's okay though
As long as you're content
All I now know
Is that we weren't meant
But I'll try not to feel woe
Even though it's such torment


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    ooo! now i know wut unbegotten is! and uh.. yeah, it is.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I bet. Lol, lazy girl! Jm.. unbegotten is like, you seek but you can't find... It's love you seek, but it just doesn't work out. Is this about someone i know?

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    you have no idea how much i hate this. it's a pain in the ass. one question though. wut's unbegotten? i'd look it up but that would mean i would have to like.. do something and i'm way too lazy for that.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Don't you hate it when you feel for someone that is taken? Especially when you don't want to feel that way about them, but you can't help it? Sigh. The woes of unbegotten love.