Living A Lie

by Deion   Apr 23, 2005

You try to live life
but you are living a lie
because at the end of the day
you just wish you would die

burdened with countless problems
with no end in sight
trying to move forward
but you can't see the light

you feel so ignored
and unappreciated
its like every step you make forward
ends up being negated

but if you ever felt alone
left with an emotional bruise
don't worry I will stand with you
because I know how its like to be in your shoes

* thanks for reading it if you did..... vote and comment or something thanks again


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  • 19 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*Another really great poem i love ur work 4 only being 13 u got sum really powerful stuff well keep it up n great work*~ XoXo