Tears fog up my eyes
I can no longer see
What your emotions are
For we are apart
And now no one knows me
Or at least the real me
Blood covers my wrist
As I make each slit
The blood drips down more and more
But I feel no pain
But the pain you left inside
Pill bottles lay empty on the floor
Theres no more left to kill this pain
Not for my wrist
But for my heart
Rubber bands surround my wrist
Because I can't cut in school
Each time I pass you in the hall
You see my rubber bands move
But you have no clue
What I do
Or why I do it
People ask why I barley eat
I tell them I eat at home
Every day I lie some more
Just to hide the fact
That I'm dyeing inside
Sleep is what I do
Every time I can't get away from you
no matter what I do
I can never get away from life
Or the pain
That came along
After I left you