BFFE till the boyfriend comes

by the fabulous freak accident   Apr 25, 2005

I'm sorry i have to write this even though i can't say this to your face
but i just have to tell you that your a frekin' disgrace
i can't believe you would do this to as good as friend as me
but i guess some best friends were never ment to be
some people say guys come and go
but i really wanted mine to stay
but my so called "best friend" was driving him away
i cant believe i trusted you with my life my secrets my soul
but i didn't know screwing up my life
was your most wanted goal
the words you told Thomas cut me like a knife
so I'm sorry i have to do this but know i must end my life
now that you stabbed me in the back
i hope your happy with what you've done
now go and live your life with the man you've won
(best friends were never ment to be)
please comment on this thanks


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