Cold, unneeded...defeated, depleted...
The core of my humanity has died and a new core is given unto me.
Now I see...
Visions of God? cannot be these dreams of old.
I cannot see the truth, only the pictures...but I know the truth resides deep within...all I have to do is find it. I am the key...
I stare at a misfit child shaking and crying, eyes moving hastily about...seeing things unseen and unknown by mere mortals. What can she see of the future that she unwittingly knows what will happen through trials and time? What mysteries are revealed to her through purpose?
Joel and Acts...
Children will dream dreams...
God's power upon their flesh to make these visions breathe and live.
I saw this same child yesterday, and she reminded me of such a verse. Is the end so near?
Trembling, she is watching hidden things, I reach for my Bible. It confirms my thoughts:
Armageddon is upon us, and I am damned for all time. It is time; I must rise from my human death and take up my role as a speaker to the hordes of humanity to spread my knowledge of this Twisted God...
Intriguing usage of words, yes...
But how false do you think they are?
I shall rise above the maker of the stars and show the world the truth that lies deep within. I will mark them with the tide of darkness and the time of the Seta will be at hand...
Let the ravenous wolves rape this world of I care?
I enjoy it.