Our little deal

by cookie   Apr 25, 2005

All I want to do is get high
But I can't because of this little deal we made
You came up with this
I will stop cutting and taking pills
And you will stop smoking around me and stop smoking pot
And I agreed and we shook on it
But the thing is you already quit smoking pot a year ago
And I really don't want to give up pills
Yeah I do admit I wanted to stop cutting
And now I have a reason
But I never wanted to give up pills
The pills relax me and allow me to get through whaterver my parents throw at me
And now I have no clue how to deal with all this stuff
Because normally i would just take some pills and call it a night
Or i would call you
But now you like to party on the weekends
So what do I do now
But now I can't take pills
Because of our little deal
I took them because i am so sick of dealing with my parents crap
And le tme tell you they were the perfect scape goat
But now I don't have them anymore
So now I just want to die
But then my friends and some of my family might miss me
And you say that you will miss me
But sometimes I don't know
I would never want to hurt you
But I really need something right now
I don't exactly know what
I wish I did
But for now I am just gonna remember
What it felt
Since I can't get a hold of you
to let you know that I want to take pills right now
And the only way you want me doing pot is if your there to make sure I don't do anything stupid
So this is what our little deal is doing to me


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