by newlun Apr 26, 2005
category :
Friendship, family /
love, friendship
Here i am |
by shannon
Once again great poem. very cute.nice job i really like your poetry. 5/5 |
by Nichole
hey i really loked your poem, i know exactualy how you feel, i just realized how much this guy ment to me and that he feels the same way sinse i left for a while...i would really appriciate it if you looked at myh poems |
by Amanda
Hey I loved it! I can totally relate to that poem because I miss my best friend so much who moved in september :) |
by Brookeღ
So sweet I loved it! Very well written! Brooke Another 5/5 |
by AJ
Hey, that's pretty good, I like it. Well written. Good job. |