by newlun   Apr 26, 2005

Here i am
so far away
and i miss you more
each and every day

for every moment
that we're apart
puts another hole
deep in my heart

and every single moment
that passes me by
seems like years
and i don't know why

but i don't regret
leaving you there
because it made me realize
how much you care

the miles between us
seem like forever
but knowing you miss me
makes everything better

every time you call me
just to check in
makes me want to be there
with you again

time goes so slow
as i wait to come home
because i cant see you in front of me
when were talking on the phone

but i will be there soon
i promise you this
and i would be right beside you
if i had only one wish

minuet by minuet
and day by day
theres only one thing on my heart
that i have to say...



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  • 18 years ago

    by shannon

    Once again great poem. very cute.nice job i really like your poetry. 5/5

    thanks for sharing
    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Nichole

    hey i really loked your poem, i know exactualy how you feel, i just realized how much this guy ment to me and that he feels the same way sinse i left for a while...i would really appriciate it if you looked at myh poems

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    Hey I loved it! I can totally relate to that poem because I miss my best friend so much who moved in september :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    So sweet I loved it! Very well written! Brooke Another 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by AJ

    Hey, that's pretty good, I like it. Well written. Good job.
    ~keep it up~

    -no more