I seen it happen i seen it all
and with my life i chose that same fall
I came home with a smile on my face
Giving my mom that look of cheerful grace
I go outside to sit and think
My life was ruined and had already sank
My dad gets home late
Probably From a Date
I see him go inside and they begin to fight
I can see there angry shadows threw the kitchen window light
I sit alone outside in the dark
and decide to head for city park
i get there with not a soul to see
Actually here i feel out of pain and stress free
I feel all wet as it begins to rain
and i feel so good as it is taking away with all my pain
I put my wet coat in a sack and decide to head back
I get to the door were i can hear them yell more and more
I get to my room and slam the door
Were i see my gun lie upon the floor
I pick it up and i pray
That maybe if i use this someone will miss me someday
Forgive me god for what Ive done i never meant to use this gun
It begins to snow as my casket is set below
They all look and cant believe this had happened to me
But deep inside they know that i wanted this to be
with a gust of wind a note his found to lie upon the snow covered ground
A women picks up the note to let us all see
As we read the words " This was my way to be free"