That February Morning

by shannon   Apr 27, 2005

Here I lay in me bed
With all these thoughts of you in my head

I think back to that terrible day
And all the things that I did not get to say

You left my life without warning
On the horrible February morning

You got in your car
Knowing that the drive to me was going to be far

But after driving not that long
Something went terribly wrong

You went through an intersection
When someone drunk was coming towards you in the same direction

There your life was to unfold
And your body, the angels were soon to hold

He hit you head on
And I knew that you would try to stay strong

But the impact of the crash was too great
And there it was you were taking from me by fate

In my room I laid in my bed
When my mom came in and told me what the police at our door said

I could not breathe, I could not think
I could only feel my heart slowly beginning to sink

She handed me a banquette of mangled stems and one remaining rose
And a letter that was tightly sealed closed

Slowly I started to open the letter
And when I saw your name on it, I began to feel better

“I love you so much
And I have been longing for your sweet touch

It has been more then 2 months since I have seen you
And still my love for you grew

Today is our second year together
And from the start I promised I’d love you forever

I said I’d love until my last breath
Until the time of my far away death

I have enjoyed every day of these past two years
I am so glad I have found someone to take away my fears

You always believed in us and you never listened to what other people would say
They would always say that we would not last because I lived so far away

But we’ve made it through
And once again I love you

Until I see you today, this is all I am going to say
And baby, I wish you a happy Valentines Day”

By: Shannon

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  • 18 years ago

    by newlun

    I cant imagine what you go through each day. you have been through more than anyone should ever have to go through. i am so sorry. you are a great poet though keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Richard

    Great story telling in this poem
    and dam those drivers ohh geeze heh
    much love take caree great write 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Unrequited

    man, that sounds like such a tragic event! i'm sorry it had to happen. but it is a wonderful poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    I read this one too

  • 19 years ago

    by Chad
