Through with this

by Rozzy   Apr 27, 2005

It's always the same
Thats just how my personality works

With one reaction I shut my mouth
Because i know it's not the same

A promise is a promise already broken
And i cant get hurt unless i let it happen

I cant take this sh!t anymore I've had enough
From my friends and from those who supposedly care
Done being taken advantage of

i wont be screamed at
Second chances wont be taken

I'm not listening anymore
It's time to walk away

Feeling sorry for everyone
And taking their sympathy is getting old

For it's my turn to turn my back
And i will with no ones say

I cant say i don't care anymore
I've already tried

But i wont be pushed over
I wont look back

I'm done with this And i am my own
Not everyones door mat

It's better for me to be
someone else I'm not

Because then i have no risk of pain
And everyday wouldn't be the same

I'd be someone completely different
than i am
And no one would know

And when it came to a time I'm supposed break
The tears would fall yes

But not my own
They would be tears of the face i pasted on each day

So then i would be safe
And i wouldn't feel so sick

Of a life
I cant seem to not hate


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