The Meaning of True Love

by Amit   Apr 29, 2005

"True Love is a bond, that binds two souls into one,
It is unconditional, and it asks for nothing in return.
It is something that originates from the heart's core,
which gives the lovers a purpose to live their life for.

Lovers stay together, do all the things great& small,
until their last breath, they answer their soul's call.
they're made for each other, and sent from above,
their sacred bond defines the meaning of true love.

True Love's strength can do wonders, if you believe,
inner satisfaction to yourself is the gift you'll recieve.
It does not change with change in season or weather,
No obstacle can bar two lovers from being together.

When life seems to stand still for a moment so long,
it is love that makes it sound like a melodious song.
True love makes your life, as beautiful as it can be,
it's thumping rhythm silences all else in its harmony.

When your life seems to turn into a great mishap,
when you feel you're lost in the desert with no map,
when life serves a blow & makes you breathe slow,
love helps you stand tall, and win this game show.

When you're not able to judge what is good or bad,
when nothing seems to make you feel sad or glad,
true love helps you out or at least tries to console,
It's magical healing power comes in to play its role.

It makes the clouds of tears & sorrows fade away.
Happiness finds a place in your life, forever to stay.
It's to live a life of devotion and show that you care,
and if your partner needs you, you are always there.

True love is about sacrifice, it is to give and to take,
It is the reason behind every joyful noise you make.
It's to promise to be together, for nights and days,
and to show your love in various affectionate ways.

True love can be found in an ideal husband or wife,
depth of their devotion gives a meaning to their life.
Their unselfish love holds the key to heaven's gate,
with love's magical power, they write their own fate.

True love does not stay in immature relationships,
those built on lust, passion or mere touching of lips.
It is based on trust and sacrifice & not on inner fire,
precious gifts of gold or diamond it doesn't require.

With love, you find a heaven upon this planet earth,
you feel as if you're the owner of a precious worth.
Love needs time to grow and a bit of your sacrifice,
but once you gain it, you feel it was worth the price."

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  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    This is just amazing... i love reading your work. this is just so sweet and i wish that some men could really find what the "love" word means. i just don't know what to say!!! again this one brought tears to my eyes.

  • 19 years ago

    by shobhana kumar

    That was a great one Amit. true in every sense.

    good luck and keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by 6*9lily6*9

    Omg beautiful...i love it. your like the best poet on this site. well neway they deleted my acount but im bak :-P i hope u like my 2 new poems. bye


  • 19 years ago


    Hi again
    well another awesome poem! i loved it. i think nothing more can b written to define the true love and u did it well amit. again u got 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Choti

    i'm speechless.. all u can se is tears comign down from my eyes. what u said is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very very very true. u r definelty in love my friend.

    p.s. - thanx u just made me realize somethign very imp.

    luv ur poem, i think it has jstu become a part of my life now, however.


    - trinity