As I let you in to my thoughts, my mind pouring out
As I let you look through my scarred soul
I realize I have to shut the door on you seeing
How can seeing me drown help you out of this hole
Oxygen fading in the swirling waters of my head
As it floats away in bubbles I clamp my mouth closed
As the moon dissolves into the silence and dark
The silence is deafening me, As I drown in my sorrow
Got nothing but my writing, and the one I love
But my soul is divided and separated since you saw
As I flail around in feelings I cannot describe
Sucks me away into a vacuum, I see no more
Clamp me into a mask of agony and difficulty
Forever locked in the void of my depression
Carving through the images haunting my eyes
As I carry out my undying, unfeeling obsession..