Comments : Lead My Way Home

  • 19 years ago

    by The Plain Truth

    Thank you, hun. I appreciate your compliment, but more so, your critisizm. Not that you really did critize, but letting me know this is not one of your favorite pieces, it helps me to see what can be done differently in the future. Thank you.

    All My Love, Megan.

  • 19 years ago

    by JL

    i lyke it! esp. the 1st part good job! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by The Plain Truth

    Thank you, hun. Keep your chin up, whatever the length of your troubles.


  • 19 years ago

    by Cara

    Wow Megan, again, you completly blow me away with your talent. This poem was a slap in the face of reality. It was wonderfully dark and yet for some reason I think almost everyone can relate to what you are writing about. Well, I know I can relate atleast. IS there a specific signifigance behind this poem or was this just one of those 'pop in your head' kind of poems? Please let me know..


  • 19 years ago

    by The Plain Truth

    Thank you, Cara.This poem is mainly about how I feel towards my family. Every time I go home, I get this odd feeling like I've come to the wrong place. Sometimes I get this feeling like I could change the way I'm treated if I tried, but I'm just too scared to. My hopes and dreams are constantly being shattered, and this poem is meant to say that one day, things just went too far. The strangers are actually my family, and they're stepping in my blood without a care. I feel the only thing left to do is follow them back to "their" home, the one I felt was never mine, and make them feel the pain I once felt. I know I didn't include any of this in my poem, but I wanted people to use their imaginations.

    Thank you, Megan.