Comments : Found

  • 19 years ago

    by Hillary

    alissa- you are a very good writter you should really keep it up! luv ya much- ( oh dont worry i know the girl so its ok if i tell her i luv her cuz shes the best)

  • 19 years ago

    by Pianist

    a very true and profound statement. A little cliche, but still true. I can honestly say I didn't expect much when I read the first few lines, but it turned out not half bad. Read some of my work if you get the time.

  • 19 years ago

    by sinister

    5/5 very good. thanks for your comments. i was wondering if people picked up on that i'm a guy. i just tried something different. if u liked that poem read "Imagine, just imagine" and tell me what you think of that one. i'm intersted in your views. thanks bye.

  • 19 years ago

    by FAKE-is-the-new-trend

    that was a great poem! its so true to..we always wanna be hot and we don't look inside others.I hope you write a lot more so i can read them
    and thanx for commenting my poems!


  • 19 years ago

    by Nikki Pixie

    The poem is true on most lines except for the part about everyone wanting to be hot. I don't want to be hot. I don't want to be ugly either. I want to be normal.