You broke my heart

by Olivia   May 2, 2005

You broke my heart,
So I should hate you, right?
My whole world is darkness now,
Because you were the light.

You left me hanging,
Didn't even say goodbye,
You told me you loved me,
But obviously it was a lie.

Everyday since then,
Has felt so wrong,
Has felt like I'm worthless,
Like in this world I don't belong.

I still remember,
That one night,
When everything was perfect,
Everything felt so right.

You told me you loved me,
But that really wasn't true,
And what kills me the most,
Is that I still really love you.

So I'll end my world of misery,
With the small stroke of a knife,
All because when you broke up with me,
You ruined my life.



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