When I told you I loved you I thought it was too late,
Your not just my dream man but also my soul mate.
Everyday I'm with you, you make the word "Love" seem true,
I get this sense of warmth inside & this caused by you.
You've wiped away my tears from my eyes,
You've washed away all my fears I once felt inside.
You were always there when times were tough,
I thought I could never love you enough.
You make me feel loved in some many ways I cant describe,
I couldn't love you any more if I tried.
You've always had a special place in my heart,
I hated the days when we were apart.
You've always made me feel safe when I was sad & cried,
It was just that sweet and caring look you always had in your eyes.
You allowed my to be the person that I wanted to be,
Because you make my heart melt & make me so happy!!