I dunno what to do

by Sarah   May 3, 2005

This is all true so if you have any advise for me i am happy to hear it!

I have found a new boy and i think he really cares
So why do i still wish it is you with me there
Why when i close my eyes is it your face i see
And in my dreams you are the one in love with me

Why is it that every time i start to think moving on was the right thing to do
Something happens to tell me that i am still in love with you
I wish there was someone i could talk to about you
I really just want someone to tell me what to do

I know it is him i should love it shouldn't be you
I really just don't know what i am going to do
You don't love me and probably never will
But the effect you have on me is just like a pill

I don't want to hurt anyone or cause any pain
Maybe i should just focus on loving him coz you ain't coming back again
Its just things get all unclear whenever i see you
help me i dunno what to do!!


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