A guy and a girl was riding on a motorcycle. The guy was driven over 100 miles per hour and the girl asked him to slow down. He said ok but first tell me you love me.So she told him she loved him.Then he said now you've got to give me a big hug,so the girl did.Then next he took off his helmet and told her to put it on.She did what he said.A few days later in the news paper was a guy and a girl wrecked on a motorcylce but only one died.The guy that was driven fast had found out that he had lost control of his brakes ,so he could not stop so this is why he made the girl do what he had said because he knew they was going to wreck and thats why he gave her his helmet.Now the question is ,would you do this for love?
**this is not written by me,I do not know who it is written by,I just got it off the internet**