Too late

by Rozzy   May 4, 2005

She is sitting there as they all try to speak to her
To break through her trance
But no one can
Because she\'s already trapped
Discarded in the own world she made for herself
She could not speak
For it was already too late
And no one knows what to do to help
Yes she knows that they are talking
She can see their mouths moving
But no she cannot hear their demands
Because it is too late
And she\'s too lost in this world
Not herself can understand
She knows her family cares And love her so
But all she can do is smile And pretend she\'s ok
Because she knows her disease is only causing more grief
And it will only hurt them more for what she has to say
So each day she said she was fine
And would climb into her own world
Caring less
And less
That she was slipping away from everyones little girl
Her friends refused to accept the person she was
So she let them go for it hurt too much to listen to the things they think she does
And now it\'s too late
She sits here in oblivion
Living her own beautiful world where she only exists and is only so happy
No one can hurt her there
She is very safe
Yet everyone else is crying
When she is laughing
So this is it
I suppose the end of her beloved fate
Because she could not speak
And no one could see until it was too late


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