Look into me

by Rozzy   May 5, 2005

I can’t breathe This is too much for me
I can’t speak The words are gone from me
I can’t see I'm too lost to find my way
I cannot walk My body is too numb to face the rest
I am weak Pathetic Small
A broken person
Dirtier than them all
I am useless Isn't it clear
That I am a mistake I was not meant to be here
I hate this voice This body and face
It only reminds me I am truly nothing but a disgrace
These sad excuses Weak tattered lies
I'm beginning to break all over again
Stupidity of tears burning behind my eyes
Scream Need to make sense of the things happening to me
Will no one listen?
For I am at the peak of losing all of my sanity
No please I can't do this on my own
I'm so pathetic So stupid So naive
That I couldn’t know it all coming Until it was too late to see
I'm the mistake in a friendship
The cold melting over black
I'm not to be forgiven
This is all my fault
I brought this upon me
And now I shall pay the price
Dying for all of eternity
I'm so sorry for the grief I caused
The secrets I kept
I cannot hide anymore
This mask is tearing apart
I'm not as strong I wanted to believe
This is me
The person I’ve become
I'm so sorry I cry out now
I cannot live with out this need
For myself to hate
Look into the mirror I scream at myself in disgust
Look into it and face the fear
Of your eternal fate.


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