For Terry 14 years old, her first broken heart

by Brenda Matthews   May 5, 2005

I love you so my little dear
so come to me and dry your tears.
Come be happy and come be gay
you are my suneshine on a cloudy day.
May your hopes and dreams all come true
angel and devil they both are you.
You are in my thoughts both night and day
i wish with me you could always stay
But you must grow up and have your own life
and you will soon be someones wife
When you have children of your owne
remember me and your happy home
The good times the bad times the heartake and tears
they all have a part in these growing up years.
No matter what happens no matter how far you go
remember i will always love you more than you will ever no


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    That was beautiful Bren. Our children are our hearts. Forever, regardless where life takes them. Great job. Love ya, *Ann*

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