
by Olivia   May 5, 2005

I don't know if this is a poem, or if it is just my thoughts, but this is what I have to say. Almost everyone says they are an "individual" or that they want to be one. But if no one has noticed, we are all the same. They say they don't stereotype, and then they go around calling themselves "punks" and that they hate the "preps". They say they want to be different from everyone else, when they all dress and act the same way. They say they want "anarchy"...No government, when anarchy is a form of government, and if there was actually no government, America would be even more of a hell then it already is. I don't think punk is dead, but I do think that most of the kids that call themselves punk from the ages of about 13 to about 16 or 17 are little poser conformists. Because they all want to be different from each other and be an individual, when in reality, they all believe, say, and do the exact same things as everyone else.



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