When your a teen the closest thing is your dad,
+ he is usually there when you are sad,
but when its him your sad about,
all day long you cry & pout,
& you wish he was there to make you glad,
most kids have dreams to be famous & rich,
but I dream to go so a new life could switch,
i have no purpose but to be heart broken,
that is all i have for a life long token,
what stops me is the ones there i can't just ditch,
i guess you don't know what you lost until you lost it,
& you feel as you already fell into a large fiery pit,
you want nothing more than the pain to go away,
so you just go on & pray all you can pray,
finally you realize you heart has split,
you try to have fun so you can get it off your mind,
but it wont go away no matter how blind,
the longer it last the more you hurt,
the more times you see him you feel like dirt,
the feeling when he don't talk to you can not be defined,