Why does it hert so bad

by ashly   May 6, 2005

Back then all the girls and guys wanted to do is say they were going out and huge. Then they started holding hands and kissing and hugging. Then the guys started to want from girl and we feel into there trap.
Back than was way better than know cause now the boys do not care if they hurt a girl feeling are not. Back then the guys would talk to u and not yell at u are hit u are just be rude. why does it hurt so bad when a guy hurts u and it hurts more when they do not even care.
Back then guys would say i am sorry now All do u is hurt girls feeling and cheat and lye and go from one girl to another and sleep around a lot. Back then ever buddy was so Innocent now ever buddy just wants girls for sex and that about it. why does it hurt so bad to be used and if the girl does not care there is something wrong with her?


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