Damn I Hate You

by Emilia   May 6, 2005

I loved you more than everything
I needed you more than everything
Now I hate you more than anything
The love I tried to give you
My eyes said I needed you
My kisses they were true
Damn I hate you!
Tears coming from my eyes
These awful goodbyes
I needed you here with me
But you were to blind to see
I needed you so bad
These words makes me sad
"I have to leave you"
After those word I knew
You left me for someone new
There was noting to do
Darling I loved you
You've made my life glow
Glow like the sun
But now I just hate everyone!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Brigitte

    Wow such nice emotions put behind it! I loved it...... and i could relate to what you were saying!

  • 19 years ago

    by Jason Meres

    Very well done, brilliantly expressed and powerfully conveyed.

  • 19 years ago

    by ** JeNa **

    wow that was a great poem, i know exactly how u feel, i think that happens 2 everyone at least once, well keep up the great work, please rate and comment my latest "together again" thanks

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    well done hun. xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    Such a strong, wonderful poem full of talent! I can't just change my name because they will guess it's me because they will know it's me, my best friend is Jade, I am 20, I am in the uk. They would click on easily. Oh well they wouldn't stumble across the new account and know it was me because nobody calls me that. Anyway
    Great poem once again hun :)