Duel to the death

by Sinister Soire   May 7, 2005

We stand eye to eye
Our weapons drawn and ready
Ten paces turn and shoot
Then prepare to fight

Each person is limited
To only one gun shot
Then it turns to battle
Testing all our might

The weapon is our choice
No limit to the scope
Bows and arrows are allowed
With the string between stretched tight

The choice I made was sword
A classic normal choice
Braced myself for the onslaught
Of my opponent like a knight

Suddenly I lunged
And took him by surprise
My blade ran deep into him
And he finally met demise

copyright 2005 © Logan brown


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  • 19 years ago

    by Angeline

    I dont think this one was very sad, but i dont know where it should have been if it wasent in this category. I whish it was alittle longer too, but hey its very good like it is....of course

  • 19 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    o0o0o!! Go Logan, go Logan, wo0t w0ot. My knight in shinning armor! <3~!~ I love you tons and tons hun. <3 This was awesome, powerful, and inspirational in a way. =) I love it, don't let anyone take you down, any shape or form, I love you, never give up, I'm always here, I promise. <3 xxx i love you


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