Borrowed Angel

by Kia   May 9, 2005

God I thank you for this time
With my borrowed angel of thine
And how i would often hope and pray
That you wouldn't take my angel away

You sent him so I'd have someone close
And you sent him when I needed him the most
When it seemed like no one else was near
You sent him down with heavenly cheer

His purpose was to help me through
My depression as it grew and grew
Sent to bring a smile to my face
He made me feel as if i had a place

He came and held me tight in his arms
And guarded me from all other's harm
He picked me up and helped me stand
There was a calmness and strength in his hand

With the compassion in his deep hazel eyes
And his gentle embrace, he protected me from lies
His warm smile drove away all my fears
While his soft tender hand wiped away my tears

His smile could light up any room
But God you took my angel to soon
I really want him to still be near
I still need him; isn't that clear


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  • 19 years ago

    by Samantha

    Wow... i liked this one to... your a great writer and i wish you lots of luck in the future....


  • 19 years ago


    Wow this is so well written!!

    loved the idea brought a tear to my eye *tear* and no ints not the onions beside me..

    the flow was great well done!


  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Wow...beautifully had me hooked from beginning to end. By the title I knew it wasn't going to be a happy poem but you set it up to where it was still surprising in the end....Excellent write!! :) Take Care.

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    very sad and heartfelt.. i loved it.. keep it up
    take care, nouna

  • 19 years ago

    by ~DyingBlackRose~

    heart felt and very detailed. its really good and i loved it. 5/5