Love to me...

by lawryn   May 9, 2005

A friend asked me "what does love mean to you"...

To me love is...
wanting only the best out of a relationship..
always wondering what hes doing..
always calling him to hear his voice..
always wanting to be with him..
always hoping he would text you back..
always wanting him to hold you..
always wanting to wake up next to him..
always wanting to go to sleep next to him..
needing him to be sold out for God..
needing him to trust you..
needing him to be understanding..
needing him to be there for you..
needing him to cry on..
wanting him to feel the same way that you do..
just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to..doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have...


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  • 19 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    I like the name it made me want to read realli good write plz comment and vote on some of mine x