I Think I Love You Too Much

by Heatha Ashlee   May 9, 2005

You could tear my heart
Right out of my chest
And I'd still have love for you

You could kick it
Wrip it into thousands of pieces
And I'd forgive you

I could cry everyday
For the rest of my life
But still be happy being with you

You could leave me alone
And even if we'd never spend time
I'd still be loyal to you

You could tell all my secrets
To everyone you know
And I'd still confide in your ear

I could forever
Deal with your lies
But still believe you when you say you love me

I would die happily in the arms
Of the one I live everyday for
Even if he didn't want me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cait

    Hey chica. That was a good one. Keep up the good work. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Timothy

    i think this poem is expressed perfectly...i really dont understand why and where it comes from (knowing u) but i guess you have ur own agenda - i only hope nothing in this poem ever happens to you heatha - please if theres pain....hurting urself to make another happy is hurting that other just as well......beautiful poem girl...