Whats my reason for being here?
Every person is on this earth for a reason..
other wise God wouldn't over brought you ingot this world...
In my heart i do not have a reason to be here...
I get hurt every time I try to care about others....
People say I'm not worth it ...
I haven't done anything in my life to make me see why I'm here...
People grow up and become famous in someway...
Other make grow up and smoke 24/7 but yet they made something of life....
I'm neither of them...
I'm that person who won't do anything but be alone...
I don't care about my dreams anymore...
Some of the people I did even care about I don't anymore...
The one thing I would like is to no what's my reason to be here..?
Why was I even born..
People say what a great person I am... but how, why?
Others can say so much crap about me and don't give a crap about me either...