How are we above our Lord in Heaven, wherein our rulers we cannot leave?
Therein a unity benign and scandal sings our wake, and we are named human…
And what of I above their tears…harboring alone my separate fears?
Above but I am mortal, among as much my kin, this isn’t how they’d think of me.
Seen as above, and next to them as less, my home belongs within this earthy chasm.
As what the Lord will have me, this castaway orphaned of his greater pride…
Beginning with this same uncertainty I have ended…
And now I’m lost in this hollow faith, and where this lonely fate has faired now rifts my prevalent tide.
And if I were to expire finally, would then my dreams rely upon my nightmares, where Hell awaits me?
That the devil may then compete with me, foreseeing my reasonable deeds to match His sins?
So go ahead *he lifts his arms in supplication* crucify this thing now previously condemned, then too by God whose will you rudely claim …
Save me from this mess of life…where I might even envy yours, a shallow man’s conviction.