Everything we had

by hottie911   May 10, 2005

I’m sitting here,
Hand in hand,
Face to face,
With you,
You’re looking at me not seeing
The tears, the screams, the lies
You once left, upon my face,
My ever fading scars still there
Yet while I look at you, you’re as
Calm as can be, smiling as if
Everything’s just right, you always
Were a poser, in this world of imposter's, everything in time goes to waste at one point
Or another, I guess we went to waste to fast
Because you don’t know me anymore, and it seems
Like you never did, you say you miss me but I don’t
Believe that because you said that word good-bye
And that’s when I broke down and cried, my walls I
Began to build not out of brick but out of steel so no
One in this whole damn world would ever see, that
Everything we had just went to waste, and then died out…

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