The Little Voice Inside My Head

by NightKeeper   May 12, 2005

I sit alone in my room
It was as dark as a tomb
I listen to my radio blare
While rocking in my chair
I thought about my life
As my hand tightens around the knife
I stare into space
As tears run down my face
The knife seems to be my only friend
As I think about this being the end
I place the blade upon my wrist
Tightly I ball my hand into a fist
Then I heard a little voice
It said that I had a choice
I could live another day
Or throw my life away
Think about your friends it said
They would miss you if your dead
I some how knew the voice was right
I could not give life up without a fight
I whipped away my tears and stood up
Telling myself I cant give up
Then I remembered what my mom once said
Her words rang through my head
"Nothing is to bad to throw your life away
For in the end everything will end up OK."
So if it wasn't for the little voice
Telling me I had a choice
I probably would not be here today
In the end everything DID end up OK

~*~ This poem is for the people who thinks about ending their life. If things are that bad get out of the situation because it doesn't solve anything with killing yourself! Its just like an excuse! So don't give up!~*~


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  • 19 years ago

    by (*andrea*hurtinside*)

    Oh my good girl you gave so much hope thanks you sniff sniff it is a sad poem thu it gave me hope sniff sniff thanbks email me ok now that I red this poem i just cant wait to live another day

  • 19 years ago

    by shadowlight

    This poem is very very good. i think i might have to show it to a friend of mine who was in kind of situration the other day. It really enforsises the fact that there is a chose in ewhat we do when our lifes get to that stage.

  • 19 years ago

    by Tylur

    Very good poem xxx