Your so close to me,
but yet so far away,
it was destined,
for you and me to meet,
but why, are we so far away,
why aren't you here with me,
sometimes i wish,
that i could be there, with you,
to hold you tight, to cuddle you,
to whisper in your ear,
that everything is all right,
i long to hear your voice,
to look into your beautiful eyes,
to touch your face,to run my hand,
over your soft skin..
i want to hear you, tell me,
that we will be together, forever..
we are so young, but will our love make it,
is it strong enough, for you to stay with me..
i no i wont leave you,ever,
i couldn't i love you too much,
but something worries me, my love,
I'm afraid I'm going to lose you...