
by Chris   May 15, 2005

I look at her
and wonder...
What do I see?

Is it her looks,
her attitude,
or her personality?
Or could it be all three?

I stand in confusion
because I know I like her
but wonder...
Do I love her?

It's a very hard
process to think about
because you want to say
and do the right thing.

I sometimes ask myself...
Would I cry if
something happened to her?
Would I cry if she cheated on me?

Do I want to be with her
everytime I see her
or do I act like
she's not there?

When I am with her
does she make me smile
and am I happy?

And when I am finished
asking myself these four questions,
I answer all of them
with a postitive answer.

Then the process gets even
harder because I wonder...
Do I just like her A LOT
or do I love her?

And finally I realize what I see.
I see a girlfriend, a best friend,
and a person I could spend
the rest of my life with.

And I finally come to the conclusion that...
I Love Her!


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