A girl i no too well

by ScarletHaze   May 15, 2005

There once was a girl
that everyone thought they knew
but that was just because of the mask she wore
to keep herself protected.

She had been hurt way to many times before
yet they wondered why now she had built so many walls
she hated people seeing any emotion from her
that led away from her careful lie.

I've often wondered why no one else can see
the girl i no to well.
how could they not see the hurt deep within
her only escape through her writing.

i would do anything to take away her pain
that is why i leave her with her many cuts.
her blood that replaces her tears
goes unnoticed by way to many.

so many people are to happy with her lies
that they aren't botherd to look behind the mask.
maybe they will notice when she is gone
that she is not happy its just her facade.

she isn't the perfect student
she isn't the perfect daughter.
she doesn't live a perfect life
and yet you let her live the perfect lie!

finally people have noticed her many scars and cuts
yet they still don't realize.
they just call her an attention seeker
blind to the truth.

how long will she carry on for?
how long will you all be blind for?
the only things i don't know
about a girl i otherwise no to well.

love you Hun xxxxxxxxx


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  • 19 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    I TTLY FEEL THIS WAY! except in guy form! LOVE IT SO MUCH!


  • 19 years ago

    by Suzy

    Omg this is such a great poem.. i can really relate to it, it really hit home. I used to cut but now ive stopped cause i got found out and I'm a really resevered person so this poem realyl reminds me of myself.. woah i just feel really emotional reading it. great write i loved it :)
    love suzy xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Britty~Nloveღ

    That is really good!!!! keep writing!!
    ~lotta luv~

  • 19 years ago

    by gorgeouslilmissy

    Great poem. you are a great writer.. all your poems are fantastic =) xx and thanks for my comment x

  • 19 years ago

    by lorna westwick

    Ok i kw who this is bout i love the poem and yes its very true

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