Prom Date

by Lola Granny   May 15, 2005

I went to my prom all dressed in
white; And there in my sight I saw
a fight; It was the guy who took
me there that night. He was
stabbing another man, everywhere
in sight; Then I seen the police
cars red lights, and took off in
flight; They asked everyone, who
was in the fight; I could not tell
tell them; It was the guy who took
me there that night; I knew I
loved him with all of my might; But
my whole world crashed that night
Because it was the wrong guy, to
get killed in the fight; It was my
prom date, who took me there
that night.


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  • 17 years ago

    by mohamad aref numan

    Nice o9ne

  • 19 years ago

    by JLT

    I think Adiction and Robert should shove it.. I liked the poem.. It was sad.. I lovers you Granny.. I'LL BE YOUR PROM DATE!!! lol *hugs* 5/5


  • this was an alright poem, though it got quite repeatitive... you rhymed the same words all the way thru, which made it a bit of a bore to read...

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    you used fight and night too much I think, I bet if you think on it that you could use more colorful words. Good try though. If you get time please look over any of my poems I would be greatful...

  • 19 years ago

    by girly†

    nice jod keep up the good work