Last Kiss

by Nikki   May 15, 2005

You kissed my lips,
I closed my eyes,
And you took my breath away.
I melted in your arms,
As they felt my back,
Your hands where so warm.
But now I can only imagine
What it will be like when you’re gone.
I know that I will cry,
And think of you everyday, maybe for the rest of my life,
I’m hoping that this isn’t really our last kiss.
But for now,
I only want you to hold me in your arms,
And I want you to take my breath away,
Like you did so many times before,
I want to brake down and cry,
But I know that your hands will hold my heart,
until the day that we part.
I don’t know why you have to go,
When it seems that only yesterday I got to know you.
But now I’m hoping that this isn’t our
Last kiss.

Now I’m laying in you arms,
I think I like how they hold me tight.
I’m thinking of the time I almost cried because I thought that
That was our last kiss.
And now,
Now that you’ve got me tight in your arms, and now that I know this is our last day together, I do realize that this is our last kiss.
I brake down and cry, and then you tell me you love me, and I want to die.
Because I never knew that it would hurt this much
When you said those words.
Because deep down inside, I love you just as much.
Now that I’m crying, you’re kissing my tears,
And now that I’m laying there, I can hear your heart beat against my head.
Then, you grab my hand, and take my breath away, once again,
On our
Last kiss…


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