by Red Charm
Great poem. I love the last 2 lines the most. Keep it up.~Red |
by carolina
This is a really good poem i like it alot i gave it 5/5 |
Something a bit different. I liked the raw-emotions in it. Straight to the point; Hope you are okay today hun <3 |
by Angie
This is truly an excellent write, I can relate to this. I had a point in my life many years ago that I felt this way. Keep up the great work. 5/5 |
by katie!
Hey great poem, well done, I really liked reading it :) keep it up well done |
by †JustAriâ€
Awwww the last line is enough to bring on the tears...U MAKE ME CRY, LIL SLAM!!!! (hahaha :P) But that means u r a tru poet. I always luv hearin from u. Hey, do u still have the nursery rhyme u made? If so, I'd love to read it! Yeah, you're right, they are fun to make. i dunno, doin those warped rhymes i guess it means i like snatching the sunshine away from the original stories, hahaha. Stay tite, Lil SLam, Luv Ya SO mUch. Peace! //ari\\ |