Secret Fears

by Amber   May 15, 2005

I stand alone
But cannot cry
For if I do
Then she'll ask why.

She'll want to know
Why tears I do shed
And she'll want to know
Why I cry myself to bed.

But I cannot tell her
No she cannot see
For if she did
She'd be sad for me.

She has her own worries
And sheds her own tears
So she doesn't need
To handle my fears.

Yet I live in pain
And tears do fall
But I can take it
I'll handle it all.


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  • 18 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    An inspiration to read.

  • 19 years ago

    by John Fleece

    She is loving and caring I take it. To face fear u have to fear fear itself. if that makes any sense

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*~MoNiQuE~*~

    This is how i feel as well! i have my fears but am 2 scared 2 make it sum1 elses worry and problem! but sumtime we do need 2 let people no..we can help each other! this was writting perfectly for the type of subject ur writting for

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess09

    Good poem, full of emotion and that's what makes a poem good. Good rhyme and flow.
    Add punctuation ,'s and stuff it creates more of a flow and tells the reader how you want it to be read.


  • 19 years ago

    by Amber

    I really like everyone's quotes, but I don't want yall to think that this poem is about my mom! It was written for my aunt! She's the one whose raisin' me!