You looked at me
I got weak in the knees
My breathing got faster
Thinking was out of the question
We talked and flirted a lot
I felt like I was in a fairy tale
With Prince Charming
But later I then realized
Something was eating me alive
It wasn't you nor I
But something or someone else
When it came time
I realized I could never have you
But I needed you
After all this time
Helping me through the troubles
I didn't feel anything anymore
Except lost with a best friend that
Was distracted by the thing eating me
The one person I trusted
And cared for
Was now gone
Virtually torn from my arms
The saddest part is
He doesn't see it
I'm not saying as much
He's not telling the truth
I miss him so dearly
But until that thing eating me is gone
I won't have him back
Maybe someday I'll tell him
That I was falling in love with him
Until then
I'll just hide my feelings away