You don't know you have no idea
What's behind my eyes, my hair, my jeans, how i feel
Nor do care, you judge before you even give me a chance, before you know me
You don't wait to find out, you don't have the patience to wait to see
What I'm really like, the person inside
The rules of popularity are the only rules of which you abide
You'd leave your best friend in a second if she wore the wrong shoes
Your friendship isn't worth it, there's just too much to lose
So you don't have a right to talk about me, a right to stare
Because I don't think that it's fair
You don't know how many times I've been hurt, how many times I've cried
Or how many times I've laughed, or smiled, you wouldn't be able to guess even if you tried
So don't make fun of what you don't know
Your just to afraid to let your own faults show
You can go to all the parties you want
And make fun of me, go ahead and taunt
The fact that you were prom queen won't matter when you're working at friendlys
When I'm rich because I got good grades, it is me you wil envy
Your words no longer bug me
Because I know that my friends love me
Don't make fun of what you don't know
Dont dtich your friends for no reason, dont go that low