Comments : Please Dont

  • 19 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    Very good poem, i liked each line, it was very well thought out and i enjoyed each line equally as the rest. With each line you told a part of a story that lead up to something at the end, the climax. I really liked the flow of the poem. It went Beginning, middle, end. It was truely a very well done poem. I enjoyed it and think that it is a wonderful poem.

    That being said. i wanted to thank you for commenting on my poem, i shall always return the favor of commenting on my poems. I think that your a wonderful poet.

    If you have MSN or would like to send me an e-mail you should, i like to discuess poetry.

    Dark Savior...formerly known as Shaun (shauns heart was shattered a long time ago, it sounds silly, i know....tell that to the pain i felt at the time)

  • 18 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    Very well written. You're able to put what everyone feels into words that make sense to everyone.

    I very much enjoyed this. I hope that you're feeling better. I know how much it really sucks to go through a break up.

    Thank you very much for your comment. I really appreciate it. I always try to return the favor.

    Very well written. 5/5